Ekonomi Islam Indonesia

Ekonomi Islam Indonesia (EII) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Ekonomi Islam Indonesia is published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic economics issue especially in Indonesia.

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Journal of Islamic Economics Literatures

Journal of Islamic Economics Literatures (JIEL) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Journal of Islamic Economics Literatures published two (2) times in 1 year.

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International Journal of Waqf

International Journal of Waqf (IJW) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. International Journal of Waqf is published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on waqf, endowment, and social finance.

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Islamic Social Finance

Islamic Social Finance (ISF) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Islamic Social Finance published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on zakat, waqf, takaful, and Islamic social finance in general.

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Halal Tourism and Pilgrimage

Halal Tourism and Pilgrimage (HTP) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Halal Tourism and Pilgrimage published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on halal tourism, hajj economic, and religious pilgrimage.

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Review on Islamic Accounting

Review on Islamic Accounting (RIA) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Review on Islamic Accounting published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic accounting, auditing, and shariah governance.

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Fara'id and Wealth Management

Fara'id and Wealth Management (FWM) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Fara'id and Wealth Management published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic warits, and Islamic wealth management in general.

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Tamkin Journal

Tamkin Journal (TJ) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Tamkin Journal published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic microfinance, and community empowerment studies.

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Islamic Economics and History

Islamic Economic and History (IEH) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. IEH Journal published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic economics and the historical aspects.

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Islamic Economics Methodology

Islamic Economics Methodology (IEM) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. IEM Journal published two (2) times in 1 year with scope on Islamic economics & finance and the methodological approaches.

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The Economic Review of Pesantren

The Economic Review of Pesantren (ERP) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. The ERP published two (2) times in 1 year with the scope on Pesantren economics.

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Islamic Marketing Review

Islamic Marketing Review (IMR) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. IMR journal published two (2) times in 1 year with the scope on Islamic marketing and halal industry.

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Maqasid al-Shariah Review

Maqasid al-Shariah Review (MSR) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Maqasid al-Shariah Review is published two (2) times in 1 year with the scope on Maqasid al-shariah theory in every perspectives.

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Islamic Capital Market

Islamic Capital Market (ICM) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Islamic Capital Market is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Islamic Finance and Technology

Islamic Finance and Technology (IFT) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Islamic Finance and Technology is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Halal Food Studies

Halal Food Studies (HFS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Halal Food Studies is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Halal and Sustainability

Halal and Sustainability (HS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Halal and Sustainability is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Accounting and Sustainability

Accounting and Sustainability (AS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Accounting and Sustainability Journal published two (2) times in 1 year with the scope on accounting, auditing, tax, and their relation to the sustainability issue.

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Management and Sustainability

Management and Sustainability (MS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on management, and Islamic management, related to sustainability issue. MS Journal published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Applied Marketing and Sustainability

Applied Marketing and Sustainability (AMS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Applied Marketing and Sustainability is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Business and Sustainability

Business and Sustainability (BS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Business and Sustainability published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Finance and Sustainability

Finance and Sustainability (FS) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. Finance and Sustainability is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Economics and Sustainability

Economics and Sustainability (ES) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and finance. ES Journal published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Digital Economics Review

Digital Economics Review (DER) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Digital Economics Review is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Text Analytics in Economics

Text Analytics in Economics (TAE) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Text Analytics in Economics is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Scientometrics Letters

Scientometrics Letters (SL) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Scientometrics Letters is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Performance Measurement Letters

Performance Measurement Letters (PML) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Performance Measurement Letters is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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Decision Making Letters

Decision Making Letters (DML) is a scientific publication published by SMART Insight which is under the research institute SMART Indonesia. Sharia Economic Applied Research and Training (SMART) is a research institution in Indonesia that focuses on research on Islamic economics and politics. Decision Making Letters is published two (2) times in 1 year.

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