Maqasid Shariah Index: A Literature Review
Maqasid Shariah Index, Biblioshiny, RAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the development of research related to the maqashid sharia index in scientific publications indexed in the Scopus database over the past 9 years. The bibliometric analysis approach is used by utilizing Biblioshiny software. The results showed that 2018 recorded the highest number of publishing documents, namely 11 documents. Malaysian authors dominated with 89 scientific publication documents. Analysis of the average citations per year showed that 2014 reached its peak with an average of 6.5 citations per year. "Planning Malaysia" is the main journal with the highest number of publications in this theme. Hanudin Amin was identified as the most prolific author in exploring the Scopus indexed maqashid syariah. In addition, this study conducted keyword mapping to illustrate topic trends during the study period, presented thematic maps based on density and centrality, as well as keyword network visualization that resulted in research clusters. This analysis provides an in-depth insight into the dynamics of research in the field of maqashid sharia index.
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