How to Develop Halal Industry in Indonesia
An Expert based Methodology
Halal Industry, Indonesia, Delphi, Expert, HalalAbstract
In terms of developing the global halal industry, Indonesia is one of the countries that has great potential, seen from the number of Muslim-majority population. As a result, Indonesia has a large demand for halal products. However, this potential still needs to be developed. This study aims to determine the halal Industrial Strategy in Indonesia with a Delphi technique approach based on interviews with experts. Based on the calculation results, in general, of the 8 variables of the Halal Industry Strategy in Indonesia, all variables have been agreed upon by experts. From the results of the calculation, the 3 main priorities for determining the Halal Industry Strategy in Indonesia are (1) Strengthening Regulation & Policies, (2) Building Halal Life Style, (3) Strengthening HR Capacity. In the future, regulators and related stakeholders of halal industry need to strive to improve the necessary aspects so that in the future the development of the halal industry in Indonesia will rapidly and optimally grow.
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