Halal Food Industry Development Strategies
Halal Food, Halal Industry, SLR, N-VivoAbstract
The halal food industry has become a major focus in the global economy, given the growing demand from consumers who are concerned about the halalness of food products. In this context, this study aims to investigate halal food industry development strategies that can be implemented by industry players and provide insights for academics. The method used is a systematic literature review which involves the collection and critical analysis of related literature from various relevant sources. The results identified seven main strategies, namely technical efficiency, marketing, management, halal certification, production of goods, cooperation with regulators, and behavior-based strategies. The findings make an important contribution to industry players by providing a better understanding of how they can improve operational efficiency, marketing, product management, and relationships with regulators. Meanwhile, for academics, this research offers a strong foundation for further research in understanding the dynamics of the halal food industry as well as contributing to the development of related theories and models. Thus, this study not only has significant practical implications for industry players, but also enriches the academic literature in the field of halal food industry.
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