The Application of AHP on Selected 100 Islamic Economics and Finance Research
Analytic Hierarchy Process, Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, MCDMAbstract
This study tries to review the application of research using the Analytic Network Process method in the theme of Islamic economics and finance. It uses descriptive statistical analysis based on selected 100 article publications. The entire sample publications have been published from 2008 to 2019. The results show that research using the AHP method is still dominated by discussing themes related to Islamic banks, the Halal industry, and Islamic social finance such as waqf, zakat, and Islamic microfinance. The countries with the most AHP case studies are Indonesia and Malaysia. Aam Slamet Rusydiana and Nurul Huda is the author who the most researched about AHP. The software most often used in the AHP method is expert choice. Islamic Bank Selection Criteria in Malaysia, An AHP Approach is the research that most often becomes a source of reference by other researchers.
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