A Review on Bibliometric Application Software
Bibliometric Software, Bibliometrics, RAbstract
Bibliometrics was originally introduced by Pritchard and Nalimov and Mulchencko in 1969. Pritchard said bibliometrics is a method that uses mathematics and statistics on books and other communication media. Nalimov and Mulchenko define scientometrics as a qualitative method that deals with the analysis of science as an information process. The next development of bibliometrics is informatics related to electronic media so that it uses statistical analysis of text or hypertex systems, as well as information measurement from electronic libraries. Currently, there are several software for conducting bibliometric studies. Some of them are: VosViewer, Histcite, CiteSpace, CitNetExplorer, Bibliometrix R Package, PoP (Publish or Perish), BibExcel. This study aims to determine the development map and trend of Bibliometric Software published by well-known journals in the field of journal publishing. The data analyzed were more than 501 publications of research publications indexed Scopus. The export data was then processed and analyzed using the R Biblioshiny application program to find out the bibliometric map of Bibliometric Software development. The results showed that the number of publications on the development of the role of bibliometric research continues to increase.
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