Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Elaboration of 8 Research Path based on Scopus Database


  • Raihan Agra Dharana Kanz Tazkia Islamic University College
  • Aam Slamet Rusydiana SMART Indonesia



Islamic Banks, Indonesia, Research Path, TLS, Scopus


Islamic banking in Indonesia has experienced significant growth and development over the last few years. Currently, quite a lot of studies related to Islamic banking in Indonesia have been carried out. This research aims to determine the extent of research development on the theme of Islamic banking in Indonesia. The results of the research show that the number of research publications related to Islamic banking in Indonesia is 471 journal articles indexed by Scopus. Furthermore, in developing research related to Islamic banking in Indonesia based on bibliometric keyword mapping, it is divided into 8 research path with topics that discuss: (1)Research on Indonesian Islamic banks (IB) using ARDL method; (2)Non-performing financing in Indonesian IB; (3)Indonesian IB efficiency; (4)Market concentration and Indonesian IB performance; (5)Indonesian IB liquidity; (6)Indonesian IB profitability; (7)Customer behavior toward Indonesian IBs; and (8)The role of sharia supervisory board on IB financial and social reporting and bank performance. Topics outside this are still possible and broad to be developed within the theme of Islamic banking in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Kanz, R. A. D. ., & Rusydiana, A. S. (2024). Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Elaboration of 8 Research Path based on Scopus Database. Scientometrics Letters, 1(1).