Factors Affecting the Gig Economy of Labor Productivity in Ride Hailing Services


  • Izanatun Najiha Tazkia Islamic University College
  • Sebastian Herman Tazkia Islamic University College




Religiosity, Compensation, Work Rights Protection, Online Drivers, Labor, Gig Economy, Ride-hailing, Productivity


The development of the term "gig economy" is an alternative for workers amid economic instability where the basis of work is based on market demand. The gig economy system is characterized as freelancers or independent contractors who have short-term working relationships with a number of clients in return for a wage determined according to the task or amount of work. The purpose of this study is to explain and assess how elements such as religiosity, compensation, and work rights protection affect the productivity of the "gig economy" workforce in the ride-hailing services PT Gojek Indonesia. The object of this study, 122 GoJek drivers in Jabodetabek were surveyed quantitatively using the structural equation modeling method (SEM-PLS). The result of this study indicates that the factors of religiosity, compensation, work rights protection have a significant effect on the productivity of the "gig economy" workforce in ride-hailing services. The compensation factor is the most important one.


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