Digital Economics in Indonesia: Development and Research Trend
Digital Economy, Indonesia, Research Cluster, Research Trend, DigitalizationAbstract
The development of the digital economy in Indonesia is driven by various factors, including the increasing use of technology in various sectors of the economy, the growth of e-commerce and digital payments, and government policies aimed at encouraging the digital economy. This study aims to determine the extent of the development of research on the theme of Digital economy in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the number of research publications related to this topic is 490 journal articles indexed by Dimensions. In the development of research related to Digital economy in Indonesia based on bibliometric keyword mapping, it is divided into 4 clusters with the most used words are technology, industry, economy, government, role, country, community, system, innovation, covid, and service. Based on the keywords that are often used, it can then be grouped into 4 research map clusters with topics that discuss: (1) Application of the Digital Economy in Rural Areas; (2) Competitiveness of MSMEs and Digital Transformation; (3) Economic growth and Digital Economy Development; and (4) Digital Economy and Pandemic Covid-19.
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